International Desks

For every part of your life and business,
talk to GSC
+44 (0)20 7822 2222 [email protected]

International Desks

Wherever you are located, we have strong international connections, especially in the Middle East, Africa, China, India, Pakistan and the CIS countries  and offer legal solutions for cross-jurisdictional transactions, disputes and arrangements

As markets have evolved and became increasingly global, so has GSC’s focus. Today, we work for overseas clients in real estate and corporate investments, for corporations and international entrepreneurs.

Our clients come from the five continents. They are global brands, home grown entrepreneurs, family businesses and international successes.

At GSC we recognise the importance of the customs, languages and traditions of different cultures. No other London law firm of comparable size speaks so many foreign languages in-house.

For our clients cultural understanding is hugely important because it means they can deal with us on their terms so nothing is lost in translation.

To access our international network and to speak to GSC’s International Desks representatives, please do not hesitate to reach us:


Saleem Sheikh                                      Stepan Stepanyants                     Shareena Rahman

South Asian Desk                                CIS Desk                                           ME & APAC Desk

& Middle East




Have a question?

For every part of your life and business, talk to GSC

GSC Solicitors LLP
31-32 Ely Place, London EC1N 6TD
DX: 462 London/Chancery LN (View on map)

+44(0)20 7822 2222
[email protected]